
Sustainability is the holy-grail of DNB life

Knowing that I won’t die or lose my job is the only sustainable way to approach DNB life. With so many variables to manage the stress can overwhelm any attraction and motivation to even attempting it. I know because I’ve personally quit a few times having attempted it and realizing what I was doing was not sustainable (like using just a hot spot for Internet access).


Every single opportunity I get to bring two or more of something to replace the thing that breaks makes DNB life more sustainable.

Durability and longevity

Bar end shifters aren’t very sexy, but they just work and never really break. That is why the Salsa Marrakesh is the single best bike for DNB life. It even has two space spokes in a mount welded to the chain stay. All the components are super boring and easy to replace. And Keshy’s frame is rock solid steel. I chuckle a little every time I hear of some Tour Divide person having their stupid bikes break. Who the hell thinks electronic shifting on the Tour Divide is a good idea?