
Didn’t you say you weren’t streaming any more?

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 2:58:08AM EST

This week I’ve been feeling the call back to do more educational streaming. For some reason when the world is going to shit and I have to deal with people who are professionals but lack basic command-line and Linux tech skills the old “don’t get mad, get busy” comes to mind. I really believe that. It’d rather do something than complain.

Why can I stream again and I gave it up before?

Change of plan. Earlier in the year I was seriously pursuing a digital-nomad-by-bike lifestyle that didn’t work out. I did make it work for a few weeks to test it out, but ultimately the demands of living on the road with just a bike and a laptop and never knowing where you are going to sleep and stay and have Internet access just isn’t conducive to full-time tech employment. I spent a lot of time, money, and health on the research I did. I still believe it can be done. I honestly do. I just don’t have the energy anymore to keep experimenting with what it takes. Just the act of planning where I will be living every two weeks is exhausting enough all by itself.

Besides, bike touring really sucks. Riding a bike as a bike tourist and traveller is not at all the same as riding a bike because you like to ride bikes or want to stay healthy. I’ve watched so many people set out to do bike tours in America on trafficked bike routes and watched them regret it almost every time. Bike touring—especially in America—is extremely dangerous and boring. Too many people don’t have the courage to simply speak that truth.

Instead, I’d rather be going top speed in a peloton, or chatting with chums on a slow-paced group ride, or jumping off hills and berms on a trail bike, or bikepacking unplugged in the most beautiful, remote areas I can muster the courage to adventure. I have zero interest in “small town American charm” which is largely a myth.

Bottom line: since I’m no longer living from my bike I have more time at home and in areas with good mobile reception. I’m more stable and regular streaming content demands stability.

Are you still biking?

Yes! More than ever before. I have two huge rides planned for 2024, the Assault on Mt. Mitchell, and the Lake Norman Gran Fondo. I just don’t have far-flung destinations in mind for now. I might do some bikepacking in Lineville Gorge. The call of the road is every bit as real inside me. I’m tortured by it. My wanderlust is critical and chronic. But the best I can do for now is confine it to 3-day trips and the occasional time off of work. In fact, one reason I want to get so regular about the annual content is I want to know what weeks I can take off to do the Tour Divide or whatever other major event I want to do. But, honestly, I would rather do a really amazing week of supported riding getting as pampered as a person on a cruise ship while I just worry about the bike than even a full month off exploring places. I do love that, just not as much as I would love to tour German, for example, over two weeks and have the entire thing be “credit card touring” instead. Like my wife says, “I’m outside-y, not outdoors-y.” As for me, I’m kinda both.

Are you still streaming from the bike?

I have flip-flopped on this topic more than any other. I hate it. Then I love it. One thing is for sure, I have completely and totally figured out the most economical, high-quality way to live stream cycling content possible, finally. It took three years.

As of this moment, I am planning on streaming most of my outdoor riding. It costs 120/month and I believe I can sustain that expense for two modems. It will just be the same boring route every time. But that isn’t that big of a hassle to do. Most of my rides are about two hours long.

I’m also going to start doing group rides more with Spirited Cyclist and live streaming them. Having the POV of being in the peloton will be kinda cool. I’m actually kinda excited to do this part.