
I want nothing to do with bike touring on trafficked roads

Monday, January 22, 2024, 10:09:51AM EST

I’ve written about this before, but I’m gonna again. I’ve recently been watching Terry Barensten live stream his trip on Twitch and YouTube. I really love following that dude. He’s doing a lot for cycling in general and is a video tech geek who likes to challenge what can be captured. However, watching him bike from New York to Florida has completely convinced me that I made the right choice staying off of the roads, forever.

I wanted to do that exact same route. Not anymore. Trucks on lonely roads regularly blow by him doing 80 on roads with 55 mph speed limits and absolutely zero shoulder, even the paint is overgrown. He remains very calm during it all, but all it takes is one of them to not see him to be very dead. Terry’s a special beast. I used to be a lot more like him. For better or worse, I’m not anymore. I value my life and want to ensure that if and when I go it isn’t because of some fucking moron. Terry’s used to doing bike messenger stuff in New York. I respect his courage and skills. I’ve just seen far too many stories—in the last year alone—of amazing people snuffed out early because of complete fucking idiots controlling several tons of metal regularly coming within a foot of me at extremely high speeds. I mean, what’s the point of holding the world record for something of being a world champion if you’re dead before 40. People say they “died doing what they love” and it always gives me pause. Did they though?

I’m perfectly content biking on the same boring suburban streets and trails and scouting out those amazing bikepacking trips that don’t even include one mile of traffic like that. I’m love getting outside and just riding my bike and the thought of paranoia about all the cars might make me a wimp to many people, but I’ve definitely had a lifetime of experience to justify my concerns (and still no front teeth). It has nothing to do with my skills, courage, and attitude. I have nothing against people who make different choices from me on this. I’m just content with my choice.