
Sucks to have grown up in the Mormon cult

I lost my freedom to do what I actually wanted as soon as I was born into a Mormon cult family. The Mormons have DESTROYED my life! This is why the dream of complete and unaccountable freedom to do whatever the I want is such a big part of my bucket list. It’s also the reason I swear and rage more than most rational people. Taking back my life and doing whatever I want is the biggest way I can think of to give back to all those who controlled and stole my family and money all those years, including pedophile “leaders” like my former Bishop and “advocate” for my excommunication Richard Dennis Johnson arrested for attempting to have homosexual sex with a minor who took private confessions from my sons. I paid 10% of my income every year for 42 years to that CULT! I should be legally enabled to sue them for it, but not in America. I can’t think about it too long or I start wanting to do bad things. Obviously, they did horrible things anyway.

I’m really jealous of independently wealthy people and those with zero financial responsibilities to anyone. I’ve said many times I regret being forced to choose a life that completely and totally prevents me from ever quitting my job, ever. I made decisions when I was young based on what I was told god wanted. I was forced to go on an expensive mission at my family’s expense and then to get married and make babies. If I didn’t I was called a “menace to society” and would never get into “the top level of Heaven”. I’m not making that up. I consider the word “forced” to be absolutely accurate. My choice was to entirely leave the Mormons or to comply. I complied and I’m still paying the fucking price for it, literally.

The “menace to society” sentiment is one that weighs on many LDS singles. In fact, in a 1996 interview with 60 Minutes, All-Pro quarterback Steve Young used the famous quote in an attempt to describe what it’s like to be a 34-year-old single Mormon: “You want to talk about the pressure I feel? Brigham Young once said . . . that anyone over 27 years of age that’s not married is a menace to society. So here’s my [great-great-great] grandfather telling me to get with it. You don’t think I feel the pressure? I guarantee it.”