
How to avoid bloating, gut problems, and lose weight

Every time I’ve ever been super shredded in my life I followed this plan. It works for me, but my not work for other people with different body types. While I have no idea why this works, I have a few theories. The main one is that having a gut that works and can digest nutrients quickly from food that contains a lot of nutrients it the best way to ensure that the body can repair itself and get what it needs faster. After all, no nutrients get into the body except for through the gut, so if the gut doesn’t work, the body gets no nutrients at all. I know what the symptoms of that are, bloating, weight gain even when not eating anything, intense inflammation, oily skin, skin sores, itching, brain-fog, constant depression and fatigue and inability to recover from even simple workouts.

No gluten

I’m not sure if it is a NOFODMAP thing or just because gluten is usually associated with carbs. I just know that eliminating all gluten from my diet makes my gut incredibly happy and helps to shred.

This doesn’t mean “no carbs.” I still eat rice, potatoes–especially sweet potatoes, and corn in almost all its forms.

No dairy

Everyone is allergic to dairy. That’s why you get slight flem build up after drinking mild. As much as I love cheese, I know if I eat it that it will completely destroy my guts ability to digest everything and vacate quickly. One slice of pizza, for example, with all that gooey gluten and cheese blows out my bodies ability to digest anything for at least 24 hours. It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the chemical response my gut has to it.

No meat

Okay, except fish once in a while and eggs but including all red meat and chicken. Again, I’m not sure if it is the hormones and franken-meats that even “free range” chicken has become, I just know that if I eat anything but fish or eggs my gut is royally fucked up and unable to digest anything else for more than a day. Eating a steak, for example, is an absolute promise that my gut won’t work for at least two straight days.

No processed foods, period

Any food that has been processed, including candy, cereal, and most things that come in a can or packet are just not good for me. The more something has been fucked with, the less likely it is to digest well. This means that a lot of the food I eat is raw. In most cases raw food is better and has more nutrients than anything that has been cooked or canned. Carrots, it turns out however, release more nutrients if they are cooked (steamed or something).

Reduced stress

Cortizone pretty much makes you fat. It is the devil. You have to produce some when working out, but if your body doesn’t clear it. It will absolutely destroy your body causing weight gain without eating, inflammation, oily skin, and a precipitous drop in testosterone.

It makes sense, then, that anything that I do that produces stress–including too much live streaming, gaming, over-training, reading the news, or thinking about all the shit that I’ve had to deal with in life–not only makes me fat, it causes all the other bad stuff that too much Cortizone causes, including pretty much every single one of the four horsemen.

Plenty of sleep

Sleeping when my body feels like sleeping–no matter when the urge hits me–has been one of the best ways to lose weight. In Feb 2023 when I dropped 8 kilos I was riding five hours a day, but also sleeping for about 12 hours as well to recovery from it. It totally worked.

Prefer smoothies

I’ve noticed that when I grid up good foods their nutrients seem to make it into my body more effectively, which makes sense physically. I don’t eliminate the fiber, I just grind it all up breaking it up so it digests more easily.

Eat when I’m hungry

I’ve learned to never put off a hunger pain. This seems counter-intuitive, but if I’m eating the right foods it is totally okay to eat when hungry.