
I’m back (to zet)

At the end of November 2023 I abandonned this zettelkasten a bit because I was preparing to be able to do something like it from my phone and I don’t yet have mobile phone support for keg yet. I ended up creating https://rwxrob.blog in Wordpress. I’m glad I did. Wordpress has come a long way and for non-technical folk it is particularly useful these days. I found myself blogging to it by just dictating stuff into my phone through the mobile app. While this was interesting, it’s not very sustainable and only should be a last resort.

I’ve since decided not to attempt life as a digital nomad by bike and instead focus on unplugging entirely when I go for my bike rides (other than documenting the experience through video). This means I won’t be carrying my work around with me ever on the bike. Instead, I’ll drive to a base-camp location, potentially work from there in the car, or a space that allows it, and then take off on the bike from that location. In other words, I’ll always have a computer when I need to write something down. If it is something I really don’t want to forget, I can just make a quick video recording of it to remind me later.

One great thing about Wordpress was the automatic ability to embed YouTube content and send notifations automatically to Discord. For no other reason alone that is plenty reason to keep putting daily posts up on the blog that are more polished.

However, I found myself writing a lot of little stuff that clearly belonged here in my zet instead. Not every little thing I realize at that moment needs to turn into a blog post that gets spammed to everyone. That is what a zet is all about.