
Using dd on Windows to burn Linux install USB sticks

There’s a lot of suggestions out there but the easiest is to install git-bash (which comes with all the actual utilities that matter including dd and then use the /dev/sd* notation as revealed from cat /proc/partitions.

rob@tv:/$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 1000204632 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2     16384 sda2
    8     3 999561542 sda3   C:\
    8     4    521216 sda4
    8    16   7864320 sdb
    8    17   7864288 sdb1   D:\

Then a good example of dd is something like this:

sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX conv=fdatasync status=progress