
Recipe: morning oatmeal

I make mine in a shallow 8” iron pan (absolutely no teflon or aluminum). Barely cover the pan with about 1cm of water combined with the oil and bring it to a boil. Put in the oats when the water is boiling and keep stirring them. The oil will keep them from getting too mushy or boiling over. When all the water is gone and starts to make crackle sound a bit take off the heat and put on a cork pad. Add the honey and walnuts to mix them in and eat them all from the pan to save a dish.

Local honey will help you overcome allergies, which is always better than maple syrup, or something else if you are outside a lot.

I drink a cup of lactose-free whole milk with my oats and usually take any vitamins and daily pills at the same time.

Make sure to get rolled oats.