
Cyclist audiophile nirvanna, best headphone setup

I’ve been searching for some really good headphones that can have the headstrap removed and I found the Meze 99 Classic and couldn’t be happier. They are so small and have amazing sound. The cuffs can be easily replaced over time from sweat. The removed connection to the headstrap leaves a small hole for sweat to evaporate out of and prevent driver condensation. The profile is sleek and fits perfectly under any headwrap option. And each ear has its own cable that easily pulls out when stressed for those accidental snags. These are exactly the perfect headphones when it is appropriate and safe to fully immerse in the sound while riding in situations that allow it. For me this includes riding my suburban, safe route (DCH 50k Loop) over and over again.

To get the head strap off I just unscrewed the torque bolts as if replacing the driver, which is another great thing about these. They are completely servicable at all levels and even have replacement drivers for 60 dollars each when one goes out.

I just cannot overstate how happy this makes me. If there’s one thing I love more than being outside doing an endurance sport it is great music in the best possible way. I was that guy would would wrap his head with the floor speakers in the 90s to hear everything there was to hear in Queen’s music. I’d cover over my face with a black cloth just to get totally immersed in the music. I’m insafely addicted to great music of all kinds. The fact that I can combine my obsessions makes me absolutely ecstatic.

Amazon Review:

I’ve been searching for seriously good headphones (bone conduction headphones are absolute trash) that would be detached from their head strap for years. I used to commute to Nike daily in the 90s and good sound was the only way this audiophile could overcome the insanely depressing traffic noise and overcast days in Portland, Oregon. Back then I learned that I (personally) am actually a much safer bike rider when I can block out all the excessive noise since I can focus better. In fact, there are studies that show most cyclists are actually safer when they are less distracted by the wind and ambient traffic noise. The loud, obvious noises are still very much audible including an approaching car, a horn, sirens, and the like. Plus it forces me to look around much more and be visually aware of everything. (I’m not recommending this for everyone, just people like me. It might even be illegal if you live in a stupid city. Remember, motorcyclists do the same thing and block out even more. Why aren’t they illegal as well?)

The head strap comes off with nothing but screws and leaves a nice hole just big enough for sweat evaporation so it doesn’t condense on the driver. The headwrap catches most of the sweat in Summer and in Winter the rig provides some nice ear warmth. I actually want to ride in Winter much more now. Everything about these headphones is serviceable.

The comfort is amazing and cuffs easily replaceable when they wear out. I cannot overstate how valuable it is to not having something jammed into your ear canal on a century ride.

The wires attaching both cans are easily plugged in and safe to come unplugged if I snag the wire on something. No Bluetooth to fright with. The mic is amazing and activates all my phone voice commands. I don’t even use any buttons at all to control Spotify. I don’t care about talking on the phone with them, but I can if I need to in a pinch.

The profile of each can is perfectly aerodynamic and when combined with any head wrap virtually eliminates all wind noise even on the fastest descents. Noisy gravel crunch sound is also eliminated.

The immersive quality of the sound is unbelievably good. While just a tad bassy (nothing like my Beats, omg) I don’t mind for this type of use. In fact, it is the absolute lack of bass that every other solution I’ve tried suffered from that kept me looking, until I found these.

All this works when out for a run or hike as well.