
What happens when I shut up and don’t talk?

Last two bike rides I’ve said maybe five words the entire time (usually to warn people I’m coming). I wasn’t expecting what I discovered. I focused on the breathing, the surroundings, and how I was feeling the whole time. On one hand this was amazing, on the other, it was horrible. I was more able to get into a meditative, connected state than ever, but I also wasn’t able to ignore the pain that I wouldn’t even notice if I were talking to someone. The quality of the ride, health wise, was much better. I’m also surprised how I don’t get lonely like I do on some other long rides. I realized how much I have missed the solitude and silence. People don’t believe me when I tell them I’m an introvert, but I really am—especially when I’m outside or doing yoga. I gain far more energy from having noone around. I do like people and enjoy learning about them (hence my interest in journalism) but I really have to work up to it. In fact, riding silent and alone on a predictable route with my blood pumping endorphins all around is almost like a drug trip, very addicting.