
Outdoor IRL livestreaming is seriously bad for your health

I used to joke about being able to hear the high-pitch noises of ultra-boosted wireless signal from the four modems and smartphone I has within a few inches of my vital organs. The amount of radiation I exposed myself to was actually well above that approved by the FDA. But I did it for the cause.

When studies like this one are out about the dangers of having just a smartphone and bluetooth speakers are substantiated it makes the exposure I was subjecting myself to seem insane. I’m relieved that such things won’t be a part of my life any longer. Hell, I’m only going to use bluetooth speakers for less than an hour a day after reading that. I was already looking at placing the microphones in a binaural setup by the camera, which is a good distance from me on the handlebars. Just have to get the vibrations gone.

Ironically, I stopped reading the Outlive book when we got to the cancer section even though cancer is most likely going to be the cause of my death (if I don’t get run over).