
What is the daily routine of digital nomad commuter?

  1. Get up relatively early to get ready and research location
  2. Pack only enough gear that carried or secured in vehicle
  3. Wait for traffic to die down
  4. Drive to the day’s “office” location (outdoors, coffee shops, etc.)
  5. Test the wifi signal (4k bitrate minimum)
  6. Work throughout the day
  7. Take tech stuff with you on bathroom breaks and lunch
  8. End workday secure work tech in car
  9. Switch into recreation mode from bathroom or vehicle (clothes, bike, etc.)
  10. Play until hour before sunset optionally capturing on video with action cam
  11. Return to vehicle and optionally live stream the sunset and/or day’s vlog
  12. Eat and drink something prepared in advance from vehicle or remote location
  13. Drive home, shower, check in with family, go to bed