
I actually love coding, just not being stuck indoors

I’ve said a lot in the past three months that I “actually don’t like to code that much” and that “I like what coding gets me”. That hasn’t changed. It’s the result that I’m after. But I’ve also realized that I’ve developed a pegoradic vibe when coding from my stuffy apartment. It has tainted my mood and feelings when doing the coding making want to avoid it like the plague.

I discovered this as I started to code from the car and park benches and coffee shops. All of a sudden I was really into it again. Could it be that my aversion for “coding” wasn’t for coding at all? Perhaps it is just because of the way I’ve been coding. Sitting and watching a sunrise while writing code and looking at everything around me is absolutely invigorating. Plus I write better code because I’m able to clear my head more. It might even been true that coding from a “wild” location could be the single best place to actually write code, period.

This is an extremely significant self-discovery—especially as we prepare to do one of the largest, most significant coding projects of my career at work (porting a huge Perl codebase to Go as a platform engineer).