
go get is Now go install or go get -d

Just ran across this in the Go documentation for get that really is going to make a lot of Install sections of README.md files all over just plain wrong. To be clear, go get will no longer be able to be used to install Go commands (and even packages). This is fucking huge. That is a major change of expectations from the entire community.

The -d flag instructs get not to build or install packages. get will only update go.mod and download source code needed to build packages.

Building and installing packages with get is deprecated. In a future release, the -d flag will be enabled by default, and ‘go get’ will be only be used to adjust dependencies of the current module. To install a package using dependencies from the current module, use ‘go install’. To install a package ignoring the current module, use ‘go install’ with an @version suffix like “@latest” after each argument.
