
Boiled eggs really are super-food

Since adding 2-4 boiled eggs a day to my diet I have seen really big gains for all my normal health indicators, lower weight, higher energy, faster growing hair and nails.

I cannot overstate how important eating boiled eggs is over fried. Fried eggs are bad because of the fat usually, but more importantly (for me) is how hard that makes those eggs to digest. Add a toasted piece of buttered whole-wheat bread with a bunch of fiber and my guts want to explode. Perhaps all those foods have great nutrients, but it makes no difference because my body just cannot digest them at all.

Eggs also bring a lot more nutrients than just protein powder, and let’s face it, eggs are natures best protein source, custom designed to bring about new life. All the other protein sources in nature are considerably less good for a person and harder to come by and to digest.

One thing that is particularly noticeable when eating two boiled eggs in the morning is how long I can go without eating again. It powers me completely through the early afternoon. I think this single component of my health habits has been one of the top three things that directly affected my weight and body composition. (Obviously, cycling has been the biggest influence.)