
CT accident results

  1. Acute comminuted fracture of the anterior nasal septum. Possible nondisplaced nasal bone fractures.
  2. Adjacent facial bone structures are intact. Specifically, no evidence of involvement of maxillary walls or orbital walls.

There is an acute fracture of the nasal septum with comminution and mild displacement. Subtle irregularity of nasal bones bilaterally suggest nondisplaced nasal bone fractures. Zygomatic arches are intact. The adjacent walls of the maxillary sinus are intact without fracture. Orbital walls appear intact. Orbits and globes are intact. No globe rupture. no retrobulbar hematoma. The mandible appears in tact. No TMJ dislocation. There is moderate debris in the nasal cavity and to lesser degree ethmoid air cells. The maxillary sinuses and sphenoid sinus are clear. Frontal sinuses are hypoplastic. Mastoid air cells are clear.

There is no evidence of mass, acute large territory infarct or hemorrhage. The ventricles are normal in size. The sinuses are clear. The orbits are unremarkable.