
Give Go fmt.Stringer a Non-Pointer Receiver

Just noticed something that is not particularly intuitive. When implementing an fmt.Stringer by adding a String() method to a struct in Go so that fmt.Print*() does the right thing you need to be sure to make it not a pointer receiver.

type Foo struct {}

func (f Foo) String() string {return "foo"}

If you don’t do that then initializations like the following will not do what you want:

var foo Foo
foo.Load()     // or whatever
fmt.Print(foo) // prints the Go marshaling, not what you want

Now, you might not catch that, though, because a lot people just create pointers right away, like this:

foo := new(Foo)
foo.Load()     // or whatever
fmt.Print(foo) // prints your String() output

So, moral of the story: always use the non-pointer receiver when implementing fmt.Stringer and GoStringer.

#golang #coding #tips #stringer