
IRL streaming is an art form

On the same night I had my teeth knocked out of my head I realized that IRL streaming is an art form. I was shooting the breeze with Surf and Kevin (professional videographers) at The Common Market and realized that everything about how I approach IRL streaming qualifies as journalist art. I usually don’t just wander around aimlessly (which would still be art as well). I plan where, I include narrative and description, and I do a certain amount of live editing while doing it. It is videography.

ChatGPT response

Yes, journalism can be considered an art form. It requires creativity, storytelling, and the ability to convey information in a captivating and engaging way. Journalists often use techniques such as narrative structure, descriptive language, and visual elements to communicate their stories effectively. Additionally, journalism involves critical thinking, research, and the pursuit of truth, all of which can be considered artistic endeavors. However, it should be noted that journalism also has a responsibility to present accurate and unbiased information, distinguishing it from other forms of artistic expression that may have more subjective elements.