
Stay away from https://browser.engineering

I had some well-intended friends ask me why I didn’t cover telnet. It shocked me that this wasn’t glaringly obvious in 2023 and so I needed to sniff out the bad source of information. Turns out it is from an absolutely well-meaning, ancient technologist (like myself) who put https://browser.engineering out there to confuse and force beginners to waste all kinds of time on absolutely irrelevant tech (such as telnet).

As I read through it I was struck by the great tone of the author, very conversational and approachable. But then I looked at the actual outline of the content. I started furrowing my brow. Then I started writing cuss words in the chat.

“Learning tkinter to make your own GUI browser!? What a fucking waste of time!”

I have a segment on “the absolute minimum web tech for a beginner” in 2023 coming up in the Boost, so I get it, I really do, there is a lot that is mandatory learning for any technologist related to the Web. Why then distract these beginners with shit that is going to be completely useless when they could have invested that time better in learning REST, GraphQL, OpenAPI, and (gag) React? Why fuck around with shitty “GUI web browser creation” in FUCKING PYTHON when so much more important JavaScript/TypeScript learning is considered rudimentary to any Web development career?

I lost my shit. I’m sure the author is a great person. But I will now do everything in my power to make sure everyone stays the fuck away from that time-wasting diversion, or at least that people know they are about to literally throw away hours of time on shit they will never use for any personal or professional project, ever.