
Bloomberg can kiss our collective WFH asses

“Taxpayers” my ass, Bloomberg only cares about his real-estate investments and tries to paint his losses as “the taxpayers” losses pretending to actually give a shit about anyone but himself.

What a fucking, greedy, piece of shit! He’s just like all the other Wall Street losers who are looking to crash hard and claiming threats of “a run on the banks” unless something happens to bail them out (again). I hope he FUCKING DIES!

This rich, well-invested-in-business-real-estate billionaire isn’t even following the policies and communications from his own fucking company when he rants about people not wanting to return to working in the building. This festering pile of hypocritical dung doesn’t even spend a single fucking day in the office himself, but he has the gall to attack others who diligently try to make the most out of their days doing the work that makes him rich. This is just another “let them eat cake” moment from the billionaire class that is going to get them all (metaphorically) decapitated eventually.