
The kubectl command does not create API queries in logs

Here’s what ChatGPT had to say:

By default, when you run kubectl commands, it does not generate API queries that would be logged in the API server logs for Kubernetes. The primary reason for this is that kubectl communicates with the API server using the Kubernetes API directly rather than making HTTP requests to the server.

When kubectl is executed, it interacts with the Kubernetes API by sending API requests over HTTPS using the client-go library. It uses a library function rather than making direct HTTP requests to the API server. Consequently, the actual HTTP requests made by kubectl are not visible in the API server logs.

However, some information regarding the kubectl commands can be found in the API server logs. The API server logs record events related to authentication, authorization, and admission control, which can provide insights into the execution of kubectl commands. Additionally, Kubernetes events and audit logs may also contain relevant information about the kubectl commands performed.

If you need a more detailed and comprehensive log of kubectl commands, you can enable kubectl audit logging on the API server. With audit logging enabled, all kubectl commands will be logged, including the HTTP requests made by kubectl, allowing you to track and monitor the actions performed by kubectl in your Kubernetes cluster.