
I just might be ready to approach VC for funding on an idea: cozy

You would think that I would be all stealthy about this idea. Nope, instead I’m live streaming my entire development effort on Twitch and saving to YouTube for all to see. Crazy, right?

Thing is, I don’t care about the money or profit. I just want the thing to exist and I’m just confident there are other people with the vision to deliver something I would actually want to invest my time in learning and using. So I’ll make it myself, well, me and my hand-picked team including participation from people on Twitch stream. (Everyone on Twitch already knows that any idea they hand over publicly becomes my IP so that I, and others, can use it without worry of some unfounded litigation, which is a good thing because the name itself cozy came from one of the stream member’s suggestions.)

It occurred to me waking up from a nap today that this FOSS tool might actually be something individuals would want to have a “premium” tier of hosting. The tool cannot work without centralization, but it modular enough to be a pain to a beginner to setup and run on their own.