
Use curly brackets in POSIX shell to group lines of code

I feel stupid that I didn’t know this before. But the goreleaser code (which is absolutely beautiful) has this block in it that allows the test command to be combined with multiple lines of shell code. I’ve tried (and failed) to do the same with parenthesis before but this actually works. I do also love this person’s use of test instead of [] which is often misused. test explicitly reminds the coder that command line expansions are still happening (because it’s a command) unlike bash double brackets ([[]]) which do no expansion whatsoever.

test -z "$VERSION" && {
  echo "Unable to get goreleaser version." >&2
  exit 1

Of course, this can also be written as a plain if statement (which is usually how I have been doing it).

if test -z "$VERSION"; then
  echo "Unable to get goreleaser version." >&2
  exit 1