
Back to being vegan, I refuse to be a part of the problem any more

After I finish off the eggs we stocked up on last grocery run (because I’m having two boiled eggs for breakfast these days) I’ll be back to removing any participation in any non-plant-based industries for food and clothing. Yes, I’ll be vegan, again.

Why? Because I watched Eating Ourselves to Extinction and the pure facts and scientific studies of that production are incontrovertible. The depressing reality is that we are well into the “fifth major extinction event” and it is pretty much irreversible meaning all of humanity will be gone in less than 30 years. It’s all ready too late, but I refuse to die knowing I did absolutely nothing. I brought four children into this world. The least I can do is everything in my power to make the world they are being forced to live in better. I want to keep positive and enjoy the Earth we have today.

Here are some of the obscene facts from the documentary:

It makes me so mad that when I see some fucking idiot on a random YouTube video going off on “soy boys.” I have to fight back feelings of violence toward that person (and often imagine them getting the shit kicked out of them by a “soy boy” body-builder). It’s pricks like these idiots who are literally killing us all with their stupidity. The sad fact is that more than 60% of the world’s population is just as stupid. There really is very little hope. Humanity has become too stupid and complacent and deserves what is happening.

No one saw that Covid was actually caused directly by the animal agriculture industry, just like they didn’t for Measles or AIDS or any of the other major infectious diseases in the last 100 years. Almost no humans take personal responsibility for creating these pandemics, but we all did by our choice to eat animals in such unsustainable, horrible ways. All the finger pointing and denial won’t keep us alive. We are already doomed, but at least we can slow the pain and suffering as best we can. I refuse to be a part of it as much as I have. I gave it up once, and frankly, I don’t know why I stopped. Never again.

This has also motivated me to be more public about this life choice and seek to influence as many for good as I can, in hopefully a non-confrontational way. Like me, so many don’t realize how big a problem it is. And it can be hard helping people see that. But at least I can lead them to the same information that made the change in me stick (I can never un-see that puss exploding from a rotten cyst in “good” beef like the worst zit you could imagine).

Another thing I can do is force myself to continue to go outside and remind myself about the wonderful Earth that gives me live every day. We get so sequestered indoors we completely forget that we are not actually living on a orbital space-craft somewhere—especially gamers and techies. The daily biking and running has really re-opened my eyes to all of this, and I’m so thankful. It makes me angry thinking how much we just completely ignore the planet we live on. Some people immediately characterize me as this or that when I say such things. But guess what, it’s not a fucking political thing. It’s a human thing.

Don’t get mad, get busy.