
Don’t overthink how to stay fit, your body already knows how

Sleep, diet, and activity are the most important things to focus on in order to achieve and maintain fitness. But your body already knows this.

This recipe for fitness has been the same for millions of years and doesn’t take an expert to validate. Why would god make taking care of our most precious gift require any knowledge or skill other than our own experience, observation, and intuition? The rest of the animal kingdom has no problem maintain fitness when left undisturbed. Humans, however, have let their brains get in the way, inventing “agriculture”, false stressors, pollution, and other stuff thrawrting millions of years of evolutionary balance in a few decades.

But you can get the balance back, if only for yourself and your family. Just pretend you are living before the dawn of agriculture and ask yourself, “What would my genetic anscestors have done to stay alive?” As many of those things that you can do, the better. For me that list looks like this:

You’ll read all kinds of versions of those same things in different, “modern” terms, but they are all the same.