
Streaming studio morphs into virtual gym

Some people call it a “pain cave” but I hate that term. Sure it hurts on occasion to push yourself while exercising or climbing a mountain, but it is a very pleasurable pain, the kind that immediately has you wanting more once complete. So what should I call it? I like “virtual gym” because that is what it is.

I’ve successfully redone my entire streaming studio room to become my virtual gym.

If the family would let me I’d even put the treadmill in here. But I’ve decided running will always be outside no matter the weather. Running is something you can do in any weather condition. I really miss it, but last time I ran outside, I realized I’m just to old, heavy, and untrained to put that kind of stress on my body, particularly my legs. One 10k hilly run knocked me out for almost of week of recovery before I could do anything. In contrast, three 2 hour sessions on the bike and I can do the same the next way with regular recovery.

I do have one problem, a good problem. I want to Zwift more than I want to stream. Everything is setup for me to just sit and spin. It’s so easy and inviting. To stream, I have to move everything and reconfigure, which is annoying. Since I’m Zwifting topless these days to control the heat (which makes a huge differnce) I just don’t feel like streaming it. Plus I can put a movie on and watch that while climbing the Alpes du Zwift. It makes the time fly by, and now that I have a better seat, I can go for two hours no problem, about the time for a full movie. Yesterday I did six-ish hours in three 1-2 hour sessions, and I’m not even sore now.

I do want to stream, for sure. But the annoyance of reconfiguring my virtual gym back into a place where I can stream is going to make my streams much more specific. I only want to stream if there is a reason to stream, and anything I can do while walking around or cycling outside IRL will take precendence over streaming from any seated position. I haven’t figured it out yet, but rwxrob.tv will definitely be different from now on.