
Personal commitments

Here are some things I would like to remember on a daily basis. People who share these personal commitments are the kind of people I want to be around the most. I definitely don’t follow these all the time, but that’s why they are here, to remind myself when I get off track.

Look up. I affirm the existence of a power greater than myself that I can turn to when my own actions feel inadequate. I will regularly seek to connect and communicate to gain greater understanding, purpose, and daily insight. I will treat everyone with equal respect no matter which higher power they choose to follow (even if their higher power seems to cause them harm).

Don’t get mad, get busy. I will channel anger, frustration, sadness, and suffering into ethical action. I recognize that ethical action and legal action are not always the same. I will have the courage to do the right thing even when it is not the popular thing.

Find balance. I recognize one purpose of life on which we can all agree is to promote harmony and balance between all living things such that all may learn and grow during their brief time on Earth. I acknowledge free will and that not all people must live as I do and that a power greater than myself will correct any imbalances and abuses.

Be authentic. I will live an authentic, ethical life free from unnecessary violence, deception, gossip, and perception management. I will have the courage to be me without apology or rationalization.

Protect. I will actively fight to protect the freedom all people must have to live as they see fit provided their lives do not restrict that same freedom for others.

Share. I will share my skills, knowledge, and abilities without fear or hording and pay forward that which others have done for me.

Lift. I will seek daily opportunities to lift up those in need around me, to find ways to help lessen their load without condition or credit.

Provide. I will provide for my wife and children to the best of my ability recognizing my limitations sometime require I first take care of myself in order to be able to provide at all.

Sweat. I will honor my body as the most precious gift of life and prioritize taking care of it as such through physical fitness, diet, and reduced stress. Staying fit is not something to be done later, but now. I will eat foods that are unprocessed and nutrient-dense without dieting or binging. I will seek to eat foods that promote balance on Earth as well as in my body.

Dance. I will celebrate life until the last day on Earth through music and dance, even if no one else can see. There is a time to be serious, to grieve, and there is a time to dance, sing, and be silly.

Take only what you need. I will take only that which I need and leave the rest for others recognizing a power greater than myself will provide when needed. I will aggressively fight against greed and gluttony.

Learn. I will take responsibility for my own learning through regular research, writing, and exploration. I recognize the scientific method (done properly) is the greatest source of truth.

Connect. I will actively seek to meet and understand people from all walks of life and genuinely listen to them. I believe civil dialog between each of us is the best path to peace.

Engage. I will remain actively engaged in real life and seek others who do the same. I will avoid excessive escapism in all its forms and remain engaged in activities I can be proud of looking back on my life later as if asking, “So, what did you do with your years on Earth?”