
Why do humans squander everything?

Just finished watching the latest “Love, Death, and Robots” on Netflix and found myself fast forwarding through them all because they are such shit, so cliche, so contrived, so empty of any soul or meaning. We have these amazing resources and what do we squander them on? Unnecessarily violent and stupid fictional stories that don’t challenge our minds in any way whatsoever. The only one of the series worth watching is the first where the surviving robots ponder why humanity has killed itself off and how.

As I scrolled through Netflix I realized the entire fucking set of offerings has almost zero value. It’s always the same, romanticizing the horrific, documenting salaciousness, minimal vocabulary usage so as to not challenge the viewers.

Humans have become fucking stupid. I mean, really, stupid. We have all these amazing technological advances and all they are doing is making us dumber. We could be removing suffering, but here we are allowing yet another bully to rape and kill an entire country. And why not? Rapist bullies who think they deserve everything they have “won” have been the norm in our species since we came to dominance, and there is no sign of that ever changing. We just keep getting different versions of rapist bullies. Putin, Trump, the Saudi princes, Elon Musk, all are just juvenile, tiny-brained rapist bullies inside who thing they deserve their station. It’s nothing new, just a different flavor, and no amount of technology helps, just makes them more powerful, and stupid.

Humans are the same spoiled species outlined in Sapiens, full of itself, and its unrivaled dominion over all other species which unnaturally accelerated its existence in a world that was unable to evolve natural things to keep us in check (as before with all other dominant species). After all, it’s our God-given right to annihilate entire species which have all been given to us by God to control and own. Make another human just another animal (no longer human) and boom, God allows us to have dominion over them, so we can rape our human slaves in the name of the Lord. And don’t think it isn’t still happening today. We just don’t hear about it as much. The trafficking of human life is still rampant and profitable. We just choose to ignore it.

Our behavior is still the same as our terrified ancestors, never knowing when or if they would eat or be eaten. That behavior is codified into our very DNA, that combination of constant fear, amazing imagination that started when the first human to imagine a predator behind that tree avoided getting eaten, and our complete lack of understanding how to deal with our own supremacy. We are a fucking disaster waiting to happen who’s greatest enemy has proven over and over to be ourselves. No wonder religion is the single worst thing the human species has invented to justify its behavior, to blame it on God’s commandments. We’ve even convinced most of the human population that without God people would be good at all, that somehow it is only God that keeps us in check. What absolute fucking bullshit that is. And if there is one thing own human imaginations (born from fear of predators) has allowed us to do, it is to invent imaginary Gods to fear and control us and others without having to take responsibility ourselves.

During the crusades, crusaders cannibalized Jewish people after slaughtering their entire villages, because God “provided.” 17 million people died in WWI over 100 meters of land. We invented intensely creative ways to brutal murder one another, and reasons to do it, always feeling justified in our pursuits by belief in god and country. In WWII we had no problem vaporizing millions after the war was over just because we had done all that work on our new toy to not try it out, no matter the cost. In Mountain Meadows “faithful” Mormons hacked innocent women and children to death with machetes because their leaders (God) commanded it. Pope Pontios Pilot fucked innocent children stuffed into a birthday cake as a celebration of his own birth. Jeffrey Dahmer is a household name because his actions have been so sensationalized and because that name sells books, documentaries, entire fucking TV shows, because we humans have a craving for it, even if we love pointing our fingers and saying, “oh my god.” Humans are fucking horrible! We deserve to be wiped out by some predator patiently being prepared by Mother Nature in the micro biome. We aren’t really interested in changing our ways, in living in harmony without world. We are the “virus” cited in The Matrix, and we will fall completely and totally if we keep going down this path, one that is controlled by people are immune to influence from those who recognize the problem. Even philanthropists like Bill Gates couldn’t give an actual shit about making real change, not at the cost of his billions and power. It gives me great pleasure to imagine maggots and worms eating that tech-stealing brain of his rotting like all the rest of his shitty species.

This is the part where people always soft-pedal this loathing for our own species with some redeeming qualities bullshit. No amount of love and understanding and isolated, anecdotal selflessness can ever counter the weight locking the side of the scale labeled “absolute shit stains who deserved to be wiped from the Earth.” We deserve to perish, all of us. Every fucking one of us is complicit in some way. We accept our fate. We retreat into our isolated bubbles. We numb our senses. We imaging how bad others have it. And most of all, we simply ignore the actual state of humanity. I’m certainly no exception. I ride around in a fucking pretend cartoon world to enjoy cycling because the state of our transportation system is so overrun but fuck-tards it is simply impossible to use. I don’t eat fish anymore, not just because it will kill my wife, but because the fish in our oceans have been permanently ruined. For the most part, all I can do is find some way to ignore the horror of this world, to enjoy the moments of happiness with my wife, seek to help others make it through this tragedy with the least amount of pain, and find some way to die in a way that has the least amount of pain and regret, to find a way to be able to say, “I did the best I possible could” even though so many I have known would be happy to piss on those words while I’m saying them in my death bed.

Hell, even writing this rant is a part of the problem. But, what else can I do? “Don’t get mad, get busy” right? But what? What can I actually do to thwart the trajectory we are all on, that is entirely out of our control? If I don’t at least say something I have an even harder time going back to ignoring the biggest human reality: we fucking suck, and there is absolutely nothing I, nor you, nor anyone else can do to change that. All we can do is find a way to have personal peace and happiness for a moment until the end, which, for some, will be gradual, and others, very, very sudden.

Where was I, oh yeah, about to play yet another game of Overwatch, where we train young children to kill each other and talk shit. God I love that game.