
Training at night easier than morning (for me)

I’ve concluded that for whatever reason I am more consistent with my training when I do it at night, during the time I would normally play video games. In fact, any time I get an inkling to game, I convert that impulse into Zwift. This includes the propensity I have to choose a video game quickly to wake myself up. Doing it in Zwift wakes me up better and even replaces coffee for such things, as long as I don’t make it a whole production to get started. It’s the annoyance of all the little things I have to do to get started that stops me from doing it. Eventually, I want to get it so I put my bibs and cleats on, sit on the bike and start spinning, and start up the game and streaming while sitting there.

Training at night is also easier on my body since it seems to have warmed up all day and is ready to take more of a beating. At my age, recovery is the highest concern in training and every trick I can do to make recovery faster returns much more than it did when I was younger. Working out at night means that after a recovery meal and drink and about a hour of relaxation I can just fall asleep and let my body keep on recovering while it is still focused on the recent workout. But when I workout hard any other time of the day I just want to take a nap soon after breaking up my day more than it should.