
Yoga isn’t cutting it, back to P90x (LIIFT4)

Yoga is a great way to maintain fitness, but scientifically it is not a great way to build muscle (which is essential to reaching a maintainable level of fitness). I’m realizing the reason I got so ripped in 2010 or so was because I had (accidentally) spend about three months in the gym pumping up my muscle mass before I discovered Yoga and paddle-boarding. Then, when I switched, I had all that muscle mass to carve into the best body I’ve ever had (again, all completely by accident).

So, in order to focus more on building muscle I’m going to start P90x next week, the one that started the HIIT/crossfit movement. I absolutely know that P90x works very well. I’ve done it twice and both times there were very consistent results. P90x is actually where I first did yoga. Yoga is done on the days off, along with Kempo.

After looking it over though, LIIFT4 (only eight weeks) seems to mix with my cycling more. It puts the lifting at the beginning, then does the HIIT cardio at the end. I can cut the HIIT cardio in half and do a bike ride daily to make up the HIIT cardio lost with low-intensity cardio. Plus, I’ll have the middle of the day to recover before hitting the cardio in the afternoon.

The cycling will still be there, daily, but will be ultra-low intensity as a way to relax and get outside only (except maybe on “leg” day).

I also don’t plan on streaming any of my P90x stuff. It’s just too much of a distraction.