
Committed to being outside from 4:30-7:30pm every single day

Why write this, now? Because I was contemplating only doing it for a while until my health returned, but the more I do it and think about the future, the more I realize this needs to be a life-long commitment, again. All through my 20s and 30s this was how I lived my life, through commuting and training, etc. As I aged I allowed myself to stay indoors more and more, and suffered the consequences. That has to stop if I’m going to enjoy this later quarter of my lifetime.

Part of returning to health has been reminding myself that a core part of being alive is connecting with everything outside of my room. I know this is obvious. Still, it’s worth saying and committing to actually being there. Everything from randomly tracking deer with Sam, to walking in a rainstorm and a good umbrella, to cycling into the sunset on Brawley School road, has reminded how important that balance is. When I do yoga I plan on doing it outside during that time as much as possible.

This thought just brings me so much peace. I know that sounds cliche, but making a personal commitment to getting out of the fucking house every single day produces a real solid hit of dopamine in my brain. I think it’s my body reinforcing this with a “Yes! Finally, (oh my god).” I used to do this all the time and someone got well off that path. So for 2023 and every year to come. I will be outside between 4:30-7:30pm no matter what.

The fun part is that I can take my Twitch friends with me these days. I’ve never really had friends I could hang out (besides my wife) during that time. But I do now. I’ve already been doing it, but I just can’t wait to get on with the rest of it.