
Twitch subs down to 109 from 138 in under 30 days

Since moving to variety streaming with almost no technical content on my Twitch stream I’ve taken a huge dip in subs. I expected as much, but the good news is that I have a job that I love so I don’t have to obsess over such things. Still, I hope that the new outdoor/IRL content will attract new community members who have interests in things outside of my bash/linux/go/hacking skills. I’ve already made some really amazing new friends this way, some of whom are even local. I’m still working out how much technical content will be there, but I am dedicated to finishing the books and all the rest, it will just have to share time with my getting healthy and happy again. I wouldn’t change the euphoria and endorphin rush I’ve gained over the last three weeks for anything. I have to always remember that.