
đź’© answers.microsoft.com was developed by fucking morons

You cannot search this documentation site without having JavaScript enabled. I opened the following bug on it.

::: Quote

It is extremely poor architecture to produce a documentation portal that does not work at all with any standard text-based browser. This violates the basic tenets of “progressive web design” and demonstrates a remedial understanding of web development and utter cluelessness on the part of Microsoft as a company. In 2023 such apathy about the blind community and basic understanding of Web best development practices is utterly ridiculous.


The bug is that Microsoft has decided to go directly against the council of Tim Berners-Lee and other Web leaders by making this documentation site depend completely on a technology that prevents researchers and the blind from reading it when there was no direct need for such a “modern” dependency.

For the record, there are 10s of thousands of companies and sites that do. Microsoft just doesn’t. This sends a very clear message to the world about the company, and I’ve already made sure that thousands have read this, and will continue to do so. People need to know. Maybe someone, somewhere will actually do something about it and prevent the Web from further degrading.
