
Eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga

Most people that have heard of yoga don’t know that actual yoga is much more than just the poses (called Asana).

  1. Yama - toward others
    1. Ahimsa - non-violence and non harming of animals
    2. Satya - truthfulness, honesty in words and actions
    3. Asteya - not stealing other people’s time or possessions.
    4. Brahmacharya - restraint, fidelity, chastity
    5. Aparigraha - non coveting
  2. Niyama - toward ourselves
    1. Saucha - cleanliness
    2. Santosha - contentment
    3. Tapas - austerity
    4. Svadhyaya - self-observation
    5. Ishvarapranidhana - devotion to higher power
  3. Asana - physical postures
  4. Pranayama - breath control
  5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses
  6. Dharana - concentration
  7. Dhyana - meditation
  8. Samadi - integration
