
📞 What do you think of “hate speech”?

I don’t believe “hate speech” should be defined or codified into law at all (even though it very much is in the United States). Do people say hateful, horrible things? Absolutely.

Language is complicated and fluid. This makes it impossible to legislate. One person’s “hate” is another person’s “passionate rhetoric.” The swastika means prosperity and good luck to some, genocide to others. The “N” word (which I cannot write here) is a colloquial term for a close friend to one and a moniker for murderers to others. Even the innocuous word “damn” is considered “harassment” to some.

I think we should re-focus all the misguided attention and resources on creating laws defining “hate speech” into sponsoring and building tools and methods that give individuals and families final control over their own exposure to any speech whatsoever. Then they can decide, not some agenda-drive or oligarch.