
🤦 Someone thought YDKJS was a good model for Go

If you see this on your social media feed don’t even bother wasting time on it. It covers nothing at all. It’s not even 10% complete. The “you don’t know Go” moniker clearly applies mostly to the author (which they say). There’s no coverage of what Go is about, how to install it, the difference between versions, deprecation history, nothing. It’s a utter waste and great reminder why people shouldn’t fucking put out “books” that get picked up by shitting retweet services and force us all to see them.

I cannot overstate how completely bad the JS “You Don’t Know JavaScript” books are. They are some of the worst, most inaccurate, poorly motivated, rhetorically barren, dick-ish technical writing that I have ever written which means, of course, that someone reading this will run out and read all of them (which is fine). So to see that someone has decided to use that as a model for their design of a series on Go programming immediately set off alarm bells.

So far the only thing I have to say about this new Go content is usually good content. But, turns out this content is so out of date and missing it’s virtually useless (which reminds me why I never attempt to write such books).