
Dumb-Ass Filter: “I am UNFOLLOWING!”

I gotta say all this drama that this certain asshole on Twitch has started (and continues to lie about because he’s been caught now in several lies, and produced illegal PRs of my zettelkasten repo and encourages his “followers” to do the same, and actually cares about his number of subs and followers) has brought me to realize the solid benefit from the whole thing.

The complete dumb-asses who think that they can conclude everything they need to know about the situation by trusting what this dick has to say and love to come to my channel and proclaim loudly “I am unfollowing!” are just making my point.

I actually burst out laughing every time.

It’s even better when they attempt to insult me or correct my spelling (wrongly) and just continue to make the initial point that created this drama in the first place, my frustration with the idiocy on Twitch and YouTube and all that people who continue to lower the bar with penis and toilet humor “for fun” while influencing people to do things any experienced professional would laugh at, like suggesting to use Control-C instead of ESC in Vim, is just justified by all of this.

I’m not going to rehash the details, yet again. In fact, I refuse to state my case any longer. People with critical thinking and even the slightest modicum of actual interest will judge me themselves, not by what someone prick feeling threatened has to say. And I’m sure there are some things you can learn from him, from anyone.

Ironically, I could give a shit about the money and subs and followers, which is exactly why it is so hilarious. The only reason I’m writing this is to reinforce the truth that when someone proclaims they are unfollowing you, without having even read a fucking word of what you have written, or watched 10 minutes of your videos, that you should be glad they have left your community and filtered their own dumb-asses out of it. The people who remain are the cream of the crop, willing to learn, to explore, to challenge you and your community, not take sides in some juvenile drama that a prick with an inferiority complex and imposter syndrome launches at you, regularly. This has been confirmed over and over and over again.

So if anyone else ends up having to face this sort of drama, just know, it’s for the best in the end. Don’t get mad, get busy.

#rants #drama #lessonslearned #education #learning #streaming