
GitHub doesn’t delete organization repos

To my wondrous surprise, GitHub keeps all of an organizations repos around even if the organization is disbanded (yes, even the private ones). To get at them you need to use the API, however, or have all the names memorized.

Here’s my ~/.config/gh/config.yaml file with the repos alias in it. I was able to pull up all my old skilstak stuff with it.

git_protocol: ssh
editor: vim
prompt: enabled
pager: less
    co: pr checkout
    del: |
        !gh api -X DELETE "repos/$GITUSER/$1"
    priv: |
        !gh api -X PATCH "repos/$GITUSER/$1" -f private="true" | jq .private
    pub: |
        !gh api -X PATCH "repos/$GITUSER/$1" -f private="false" | jq .private
    status: |
        !gh api graphql -f emoji="${1%% *}" -f msg="${1#* }" -f query='mutation ($msg: String!, $emoji: String) {changeUserStatus(input:{message:$msg,emoji:$emoji}) {status { message, emoji }}}'
    repos: |
        !gh api --paginate graphql -f owner="$1" -f query='
          query($owner: String!, $per_page: Int = 100, $endCursor: String) {
            repositoryOwner(login: $owner) {
              repositories(first: $per_page, after: $endCursor, ownerAffiliations: OWNER) {
                  nodes { nameWithOwner }
                  pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor }
          ' | jq -r '.data.repositoryOwner.repositories.nodes[].nameWithOwner' | sort
    orgs: |
        !gh api --paginate graphql  -f query='
        query {
          viewer {
            organizations(first: 100) {
              nodes {
        } ' | jq -r '.data.viewer.organizations[][] | .id + " " + .name'
    defmain: |
        !gh api -X PATCH "repos/$1" -f default_branch="main" | jq .default_branch