
Avoid Twitch CLI (twitch) Configuration Gotchas

I stumbled on the following when trying to get the relatively new twitch CLI command configured — specifically to do anything with patch HTTP calls:

Don’t forget to add -u and -s when creating the token. Your command should look something like twitch token -u -s 'some:perm another:perm' with spaces between your permissions scopes. I ended up having quite a few based on what I wanted to enable in my iam application.

Don’t forget to set the redirect_url on the Twitch developers dashboard to http://localhost:3000. Anything else will fail because it is setting up a local redirect (like I did in my auth tool).

Be aware that the configuration file containing your secrets and token is completely flat and open. There is no way around this. Technically, this is no worse than using Chrome or any web browser that stores your cookies and sessions tokens on your local computer with your access permissions. But still, be sure not to live stream opening that file. ;)



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