
Kubernetes Components are Mostly Executables in Pods

One of the most confusing things I encountered has been things like the direct references to kube-proxy and kubelete compiled Go binaries in Kelsey Hightower’s “Hard Way” tutorial. It wasn’t until I read that kube-proxy is actually deployed as a DaemonSet by kubeadm even though it could be (technically) deployed by installing and running the kube-proxy command all by itself that I realized what was going on and why so many people are so fucking confused.

Pretty much every major component is a Go program that has been wrapped into a Pod. This goes for everything in the control-plane except etcd (which you might not want to deploy on the same machine as the rest of your control-plane anyway). This is why all the diagrams showing these components are always so non-precise. There’s no precise indication what a thing actually is. This is why when I do a diagram of everything every component in the diagram will have a key and a specific type:

💡 This reminds me that I really need to just fucking read all the Kubernetes code, or at least scan it. There’s no way to know what is actually going on without having to sift through someone else’s lame abstractions and explanation and going directly to the code. Learn Go people, learn Go.



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