
Adding Daily Nitrotype and Minecraft

Recently, I realized that I was starting to spend more time playing Dota2 and TF2 than actually helping people (my main goal). While thinking about ways to make it more fun, I remembered what I was doing all those years at SKILSTAK with my beloved community there. We would “code and play” together, learning and relaxing. A big part of that was playing Nitrotype against each other, and another was setting up, maintain, securing, and playing on an amazing Minecraft server together. I’m bringing all of that back.

I’m planning to do the sandwich approach: Nitrotype to get going, then an hour of Boost content in the middle, followed by a half hour of setting up and playing on our community Minecraft server. I’m actually really excited. I fucking love Minecraft and I’ve been away from it for too long. The creativity it brings on so many levels is just to valuable and fulfilling.

Right now the schedule has it all starting at 8pm daily. I think having it be a habit is just a good thing.


#planning #minecraft #edtech