
Go Where the Noobs Are: Dev.to

If I have any hope of fighting the tide of cluelessness that keeps carrying great beginning technologists out to sea, where they drown in the idiotic, swirling trends of pop tech culture, then I suppose I have to engage more with these people where they are. So I created (another) Dev.to account today. I had to delete it before because I was so fucking annoyed with the every-one-gets-a-trophy mindset of that particular forum. No one there wants to hear reality, no matter how nicely I put it. It’s one of the main reasons I created SKILSTAK and started writing and streaming. I might be “abrasive” and “unhinged” but I’m usually fucking right, and when I’m not I learn to be right and say so. I’ve stopped counting how many times I’ve been significantly right on major things and I have to help others learn to be right by doing their own research and staying prescient. I’ve been wrong plenty of times as well, but much less, and with much less impact on myself and those I’ve worked for.

Anyway, every time I write anything anywhere, I’ll be writing it here first, the way I want to say it, without and the saccharin fluff certain people seems to mandate to participate. Disagreement is not toxicity, people. Some facts are incontrovertible no matter how much you might think they are someone’s “opinion, man.” I’ll be sure to tag stuff according to where it was posted. If people want the unfiltered me, they know where to find me. This ought to be interesting.

#rants #devto