
Twitch VOD Descriptions are SHIT!

I’m so fucking tired of how shitty the interface is for changing Twitch descriptions. If fucks up the Markdown rendering every time and does not give you the option to just use plain text. Then, when you export, the exports fail silently to YouTube because there are compatibility issues.

The answer is to not even use the fucking thing. To just use an API to set the description to the Twitch videos and to the YouTube video and to keep them in sync, except I have to fucking write it every time because there is no shitty app to even attempt it.

The fact of the matter is that I really don’t give a shit about the Twitch VOD anyway. Their search engine is shit and anyone who keeps anything posts that to YouTube which pulls up in Google searches. I don’t even want Twitch highlight VODs to show up at all. It’s just like a backup of the video content itself. So from now on, the Twitch VOD description will just be empty and I’ll tie the YouTube description to an zet like I did before and I already have the code for that. Sounds like a weekend or night project.

#twitch #rant