
Use gsudo Like sudo for Windows

TIL there’s a thing called gsudo that perfectly behaves like sudo on Windows. I believe it even can be used under WSL2 to replace the actual sudo but I’ve not found that. I went ahead and wrote the following PowerShell (as recommended) to actually install it from a PowerShell command line.

PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope Process;
iwr -useb
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gerardog/gsudo/installgsudo.ps1 | iex"

⚠️ The code looked clean to me when I looked through it, but do your own validation before trusting that install to your own computer.

After you do this you’ll be able to use gsudo anywhere you normally would have to run another terminal shell just to get admin privileges.

PS C:\Users\rwxrob> gsudo ls

You’ll note that the system will pop up a window saying you want to do something as administrator.

I can’t believe I am saying this, but I could get okay with working from the Windows shell if I had to (and only if I had to). I like having a decent understanding of how PowerShell users would start monolith commands developed in Go. I’m finding that a substantial number of enterprise Cloud-Native engineers and developers are actually using Windows shells for things. I think it’s disgusting, but it is the reality for some. Might as well learn it. I don’t want to force people to use Linux when Go works on anything.



#til #sudo #windows #tips #secops