
Pick Better Sources of Tech Information

Recently, I ran across an amazing article describing the radical changes at IBM and why Red Hat will continue to dominate the enterprise Linux market. It has solid facts, was written by a Ph.D. and contained sane predictions about the reality of where things are going, no matter what his (or my) personal opinions are about having to face that reality. You’ll never glean this sort of information that from most shit on the Web, because YouTubers, Twitchers, bloggers, and people on Medium, Hacker News, Dev.to, and Reddit usually don’t have a fucking clue what is happening in these significant companies.

To get a clue you have to alter your sources of information, get more enterprise-y about it. For example, this author is a dry writer, and perhaps overly analytical. But, he’s very good. Would he ever post a fucking thing to Reddit? Pfffhahahaha. No fucking way. Yet his opinion is well researched and rather objective, unlike pretty much anything on Reddit or the Web. If you want to stay relevant, you must vary your sources of critical, decision making information, including what desktop Linux to run if you want it to further your employable skills and keep you relevant.

Consider that all significant information about, say, Go and Linux still takes place on a UUCP Newsgroup (Google Groups), not Slack, not Discord.

#prescience #knowledge #research