
No, Let’s Not “Go Further”

TL;DR: Don’t buy Alex’s book, get Go 101 for free. It’s far more complete and better maintained.

I have to apologize to Alex in advance. I don’t know this person and love the fact that they want to help the world, just not for $60-fucking-dollars for a Go book that covers 1.17 from a person who willingly uses the fucking idiotic title “Full Stack Engineer.” I don’t need to read anything in the book other than the “covers 1.17” to know right away it will never make my awesome-go list. Here’s the brief reasons why:

And to those who say that I’m being unreasonable wanting a world where people in the Philippines (or wherever) who cannot afford 60-fucking-dollars to receive learning that they need more than anyone else in the world, I say fuck off. You can choose to live in a world where people make money hording knowledge from others, or you can choose to make your living from a company that will pay you to produce that knowledge for the world for free, or you can get a job that does pay (probably a good idea with tech stuff so you have something to draw from for your material) and ask those who can pay to pay what they can. I know it is next to impossible for more “tech writers” to make a living without charging crazy-ass prices, but that is exactly what the fucking academic extortionists to as well forcing people to pay more than a hundred dollars for their shitty text books written only to sell to other academics that are completely unintelligible and useless to neophytes learning the material. I don’t want to live in that world, and it’s perfectly within my rights to not suggest shit from people who want to.