
Use parted/sfdisk for Creating Partitions from CLI

⚠️ DO NOT RUN THIS ON ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT TESTING! (Easiest is probably creating a VM with volume in Vagrant)

$ sudo parted -s /dev/sdb "mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext4 2048s 100%"
Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab.

-s forces it without any confirmation so be careful.

/dev/sdb is the block storage device raw volume.

The commands are surrounded by quotes but don’t necessarily have to be.

mklabel msdos creates the partition table at the beginning of the disk.

mkpart primary ext4 2048s 100% creates a primary partition (which can hold other partitions if you want later) that starts at 2048s (a standard point after the partition table at the beginning) and fills 100% of the disk volume. The ext4 is optional and informational and indicates the type of filesystem that is intended (but still has to be formatted with mkfs).

Another option, if you prefer an fdisk feel is sfdisk which is a bit more complicated but can be scripted with inputs and used to capture and backup existing partition tables.
