
So Sick of Debating Morons on Twitter

I gave in to an indulgent tweet responding to something saying how amazing Arch was by saying “Good luck using it at 99% of the enterprises out there that do not allow Arch (and the shitty AUR)” and one idiot responded that he would “love to see my sources on that.” That is the definition of a moron. Any Linux user who has worked professionally for more than five years will immediately be able to tell you that any enterprise “that matters” (which I had to add later) does not allow Arch and never will. Don’t get mad, get busy.

That idiot actually said, “Every company that I’ve ever seen doesn’t care which Linux you use.” You see what I mean. There’s no arguing with that level of complete and total intellectual laziness and stupidity. Twitter isn’t the place for such debates, it’s not a proper forum. People just piss each other off with no opportunity to flesh out any full arguments. I was just as lazy as the rest for posting anything at all in that response. Well, I learned my lesson. No more Twitter, other than to send notifications or links to other fleshed out information.

#rant #twitter #morons