
Kind for Fast, Minikube + KVM2 Driver for Real

“Should I use Minikube or Kind to learn Kubernetes?”

Yes. Both are amazing and essential. Kind is the lightest weight and the fastest to setup, but Minikube — with a true virtual machine driver like KVM2 — is the fastest real setup.

I discovered this while trying to blow up a storage class to see what would break and how I would know (so that I could write software to prevent that from happening). Such a task is very precarious with Kind since there nothing protecting you hard drive that is being used as the default StorageClass. But with a VM (in Minikube) there is no danger even if I fill the disk. This is perfect for really testing scenarios you hope you never have to see in the real world. It’s like being about to do controlled burns as a firefighter and get good dealing with them. Minikube is ideal for this.

It’s worth mentioning that if you want to get hands-on experience installing an enterprise scale simulation of Kubernetes on machines using kubeadm that Vagrant with the libvirt driver allows for that. It sets up all the emulated virtual machines your workstation can support (about 1 per 1 Ghz of CPU) and then you are free to do the rest.


#cloudnative #k8s #testing #operations