
What’s Your Opinion on TDD?

📺 https://youtu.be/hNRJqA1dVQU

  1. What are you even talking about?
  2. Stop removing the human from testing.
  3. I prefer usage drive design.
  4. Do it on paper (as paper prototyping).
  5. Avoid bike-shedding that sneaks.
  6. Promote yak-shaving.
  7. Scratch own itch.
  8. Yes unit testing is fine, but stop obsessing.
  9. Should write the code such that it is testable.
  10. Write out the behavior as if on paper.
  11. Write the usage doc.
  12. Rapid prototyping in shell scripts.
  13. Don’t make your prototype too good.
  14. Fundamental tenets of the UNIX philosophy.